Friday, February 18, 2011


My heart goes out to anyone who is suffering from abuse. There are all types of abuse, physical, mental, and sexual. Someone near and dear to me is going through right now. We talked yesterday like we have on many occasions, but this time I saw something in her eyes, heard something in  her voice that is different. See, I have learned to hear what people say and to listen to what they do not say.

This situation is equally perplexing to me because I am also friends with her husband. I do not take sides, I am for what is right. The most important thing to me is that they be happy, together or a part. She asked  me a question that only she can answer and that question was ....HOW DO I GET OUT?

I think she is on the verge of figuring that out. I have never heard that question before (from her). I saw someone yesterday that I had not seen in a long time if ever. I could only tell her what I did when I was going through, but I told her that the answer comes from within. Once she deals with that she will know exactly what to do.

What she is dealing with right now is mental abuse. She is going through the circle of control. He has tried for year to isolate her (he did for a while). He does not believe that she should have any friends only him. It is funny how people can feel that way. Why do they? I pray that they work it out one way or the other.

Life is too short. WE should learn to uplift each other not tear down. If we cannot get along, don't try and hurt me. Just let me go. I have learned not to waste time and tearing others down. I may speak to something that I did not like, but I quickly move on. I remember my friend Harold saying......STOP ME WHEN I START LYING .

 Pick up the phone even when you don't feel like it. Someone may need you. I remember the day I was delivered from my crack addiction. I called someone and they came right over. Saved my life. I also remember when someone I knew called on another friend because they needed someone to be there for them right then. They said I will be there in the morning and that person took their life.

Today and everyday listen to people. Take time to hear what they have to say. YOU never know what someone is going through, but most of the time we are only thinking of ourselves. Today ....think about someone else.

WE DO.....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Usually, insecure men or women choose to try and control their spouses or lovers by isolating them from others. I have seen this first hand.
    I admire my girl, Barbara Franklin because she has the patience and love for all type of folk. Even those whose insecurities would manifest into mean-spirited or subservient behavior.
    I don't have such patience. I don't understand how someone could be so weak that they would give a weaker person control over their lives.
    I would be irritated with both of them, and they with me.
    I try not to judge. However, I'm still a work in progress.
    That's why I need this group. The best way to help ourselves is to help others.
    Corlis Banks
