Greetings good people,
I pray all is well today. As I sit here wishing I had a cup of coffee a few things come to my mind. Wait! Let me get a cup of tea. Why can't we celebrate each other? I am talking about women. Why do we continue to hold each other down? If I say I am a believer of good things,why do I wish bad things on my sister? Why do I talk about her instead of talking to her? Why do I smile in her face, listen to her complaints and then think "oh how happy I am that she is going through"? Why do we ask for advice, or talk to our friends and then disregard their suggestions? Why don't women who have overcome help women that need to come over? I'm just saying. It is so much hateration going on, and much more ignorance. WE are a source that can change the world. WE can come together and do great things. If WE see where someone is choosing the wrong paths WE should help, and not hurt.
I love life today, when I was young I acted young and foolish. Today I am old (well, I am older lawd have mercy did I say I was old) and much wiser. Wherever I go I choose to leave love. I love even when it hurts. If you do me wrong, I still love you. If you talk about me, I still love you. I come to realize that you hurting me is only because you are hurt. It is one thing to hurt someone when you are not aware of what you are doing. But, when you purposely seek to hurt, damage, assassinate someone YOU have a problem. I have worked for 35 years with the same company. I have seen women in power annihilate women trying to rise up. Instead of mentoring and helping them achieve their greatness they have plotted to destroy their dreams. Why?
When we help others we are helping ourselves, YOU cannot take my job I can only give it away. Now is the time for all good women to come together and support good women. WE must stop coming up against each other and get together and snatch back our places and promises of authority from the evil ones. My sisters what are you dealing with today that keeps you from being all that you can be. Search your hearts are you being real with yourself? Are you? Do you really love life? If you do- you love others, and your purpose should be to help someone. What about our young girls? If we are not a role model to them showing them how to LIVE they grow up carrying bitterness. They lack self esteem, they think they need a man to make them happy. They see US today sleeping with someones man, backstabbing, and sometimes being so arrogant/EVIL that they must be so confused. They see us doing anything to say we have a man, and some of the men we have.....LAWD have mercy. Now, please understand there are good men in this world. I am not man bashing. But, I'm just saying.
When you are doing what you do today. Do it for the glory of God. Do it for the future generation. Do it for someone other than yourself. Each one of us ARE put on this earth for a purpose. It is not all about you. You are assigned to someone. Look around and be a blessing. Now, blessings are not always money. But, I ain't gone complain if that is how you help me.
I'm just saying. Can we BE REAL!
Who loves ya!
Thank you B for this site. You MIDWID! For 2011, I will practice MORE love...especially to 'mine enemies...'
Thank you Barb for having the courage to open this dialogue. We need to stop investing our energy into hurting each other and use that energy to solve some of the issues we face as women. Our children and grandchildren need us. Our men need us. Our families need our strength and wisdom. We are empowered only if we use the power to make things better!
What a uplifting way to jump-start the morning over a cup of Tea, Skyping with My girls, encouraging our Dreams, Doing What WE Do from Al 2 MI, Join Us :)
@Deneen Yes love is the key. Practice it everyday and you will see the changes that happen. Thank YOU for all you do. You know I love you
@Jan It is because I know I do not stand alone that I have courage. WE(WOMEN EMPOWERED CROSS N PATHS) has helped me stop talking about it, and realize I can really be about it. I am who God says I am. I am more than an conquer, and I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strentghens me. YOU know I love you. Thanks for being a part of my life.
@Sheila this is what YOU call an interception. We are taking the ball! TOUCHDOWN! BEHIND THE LINE OF SCRIMMAGE!
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