Today, I got off my butt and went to church. The message was GET OFF YOUR BIG BUT! The Pastor was all up in my pew. I thank God for the message today. I am taking my Pastor's message and delivering it in the world according to Barbara.
See, we all must get up off our buts
I would spend more time in the gym....but.
I am gone start tithing more...but.
I know this person is no good for me....but.
I need to stop drinking and smoking....but (I like to drink and smoke). That last statement use to be mine. I still like to have a drink every now and again.
The message today was taken from 2King 5 1-15, anybody going through anything ought to read this scripture. BUT God. NOTHING BUT GOD! That is what we must concentrate on.
I have been dealing with a lot things over the last few weeks, and I promise you everywhere I turn God has provided a word. It could be on Facebook, on the site God wants you to know, it could on Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer or The Game. God has spoke to me so much that I am clear he is speaking to me. You see we need to get off of our butts, for real, and starting trusting the more. Now, this is my revelation today and I am going to share it with you. As I started reading, the bible everyday this year it has become clear that there is nothing new under the sun. I am in the book of Genesis in the Old Testament (ya'll knew that though. Right?) and Matthew in the New. And from the very beginning folk is going through stuff.
Now today I don't have to go lay a sacrificial lamb at the altar kill it cook it or poor the blood anywhere, all I have to do is TRUST God. Accept Jesus as my personal savior and believe that he has died for me. Now, this may not be for you, however please read on. I am tired of struggling with am I good enough.
But, Lord you know my issues can you still use me?
But, Lord, I am not perfect and I want to wait until all this STUFF (Sin turning us from fear to failure) is behind me.
But, I cannot write, but I cannot communicate, but I cannot stop whatever I am doing.
I saw a post this week, and I am going to include it at the end. I am walking towards the Glory of God with boldness no longer will I let my mind hold me back.
No buts, just what. What will you have me to do Lord? I hear the voice of the Lord saying to me. What is this thing that you have going on that I cannot care for?
So What if you drink? Come to me and I will quench your thirst? So what if you smoke? I cared for Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and they were smokey but they did not burn. So, what if you cannot communicate. The Holy Spirit has come to give you words of comfort and knowledge. I used Moses and he stuttered. God knew you before you where in your mothers womb he knows all about you. Do NOT miss your blessing waiting to get right to come to God. Come to God and he will make it all right.
God wants us to come to him, no ifs ands or buts about it. God has kept me all this time in my mess. I need to stop focusing on my limitations and follow his commands. Which I do daily (or try my very best) then why do I worry. I love the Lord he heard my cry.
I can tell you some things that God has done for me. Things I have witnessed with my own eyes. I know he has changed my life and is changing me daily. I hear his voice, and see his wondrous works. He and only he knows my heart and hear my prayers and cries at night and in the morning has provided an answer that no man could have ever known about. I am telling you what I know NOT what I heard. God is good and he is good all the time. So my sisters and hopefully my brothers. Be encouraged and do not get weary in well doing. We are not perfect people and we will never be sinless.
However,.....(see I did not use but) we should be sinning less. I love you guys and I thank you for reading my babbles.
Here is a true statement see it for yourself or should I say read it. It is from a great book and the storyline does not change, but it gets better. I took this from my girl La Savine's post on Facebook. It is so true.
The next time you feel like GOD can’t use you, just remember
Noah was a drunk, Abraham was too old, Jacob was a liar, Leah was ugly
Rahab was a prostitute, David had an affair and was a murderer, Job went bankrupt
Peter denied Christ , Zaccheus was too small AND Lazarus was dead! No more excuses! God can use you to your full potential.
Noah was a drunk, Abraham was too old, Jacob was a liar, Leah was ugly
Rahab was a prostitute, David had an affair and was a murderer, Job went bankrupt
Peter denied Christ , Zaccheus was too small AND Lazarus was dead! No more excuses! God can use you to your full potential.
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