Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Empowerment is looking adversity in the face and
doing what you feel
feeling what you know
knowing what you feel
in your mind
in your heart
in your soul
within your very being
in a place you never knew existed
where you had strength you never knew you had.
Empowerment is when you find that place and look it dead in the eyes...
that place IS the real you!
And when you finally go to that place and look at the real you
You finally see yourself for the very first time
It is at that moment that you begin to live...
But this time, living is for you and your dreams
-not for what everyone else wants!
But for you!
For the person you are now looking at for the first time.
Do not walk away, reach your hand out to that person!
Hold onto it and do not let it go!
Walk hand in hand together with your true self to your
your happiness
to whatever it is you think and dream about at night when no one else is around
Begin to live--but this time--you will begin to live for all the right reasons
because this time you are now living.