Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Am I My Sister's Keeper

My sisters!!!! How are you today? I am writing you to share with you today the importance of loving one another. More important I want to share the importance of loving yourself. I spoke to a group Thursday “The Women of AT&T” and I shared with them the theme “Am I my sister's keeper.” Yes we are! I presented a suit that I have and often wear. The suit is pin stripped, double-breasted, nice buttons. The jacket is long and reaches to the floor, the pants’ and jacket fits very well. The material is stretchable so it gives when I have eaten a lot. I love the suit, but this suit represents our lives. What I did during my presentation was take the suit pants and turn it inside out. The lining was torn up, raggedy, broken. That is how many of us walk around. We look good on the outside, we are made up. Our hair is done, our clothes fit well, but internally we struggle. We struggle as mothers, daughters, sisters, friends. We are dealing with loss, with finances, with family issue, and with our jobs or lack thereof. In the sisterhood, we should support one another. We should love each other, uplift, inspire and motivate each other. Where is the support? Let us start today with real love. Let us love one another right where we are. I love you all. I want the very best for each of us. If you are at a point in your life and things are not going right for you, you continue to wonder what you need to do. Look in the mirror, what are you putting out? Most relationships mirror you. What you put out is what you get. Trying loving yourself...NO, really loving yourself right where you are. Let go of all of the STUFF (S-- Taking us from Fear (2) Failure) (fill in your own S---). Try loving that person you think is hard to love. Listen, to what they say. Share a smile with them. Give them a hug. It will make YOU feel better. Try it. I love you!

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